- Kellie-Jay Keen issues defamation notice to the Victorian Liberal leadership
- Pro family and Pro LIfe leader Lyle Shelton wins drag queen case
- The Australian’s intellectual child abuse
- Abortions to be made legal for girls under 16 in Western Australia without their parents permission
- NZ schools and teachers dealing with more student violence
- The Australian Defence Force will now allow males to identify as female
- Jill Ovens resigned from New Zealand’s Labour Party to start the Women’s Rights Party
- Gambling with Australian lives
- Finding Australia’s Voice
- NZ Central Southland College parents raise concerns about sexual education
- Vote in the upcoming 2023 New Zealand General Election, our Value Your Vote resource will help you
- The ethics of uterus transplants to ‘transwomen’
- 19 men in Australia arrested on charges of child sex abuse — Operation Bakis continues
- New Zealand’s first Safe Areas around abortion service providers will be in place from 25 August 2023
- Australian ABC broadcaster’s cartoon promotes sex changes to kids
- Queensland Uniting church minister opposed to same-sex marriage loses unfair dismissal claim
- The ABC rolls out more gender propaganda
- Australia’s first female PM refuses to answer ‘What is a Woman?’
- The re-write of Australia: straight out of the Marxist-Leninist handbook
- New Zealand: Changes To Human Rights Act Will Harm Women And Girls, Women’s Rights Party Says
- Pornography ‘damaging’ young people’s lives in Australia
- Major NZ Daily Newspapers Unite To Censor Social Debate
- 42 percent of Australian children in out-of-home care are Aboriginal, that’s should shame Australia
- Lutheran Schools promoting lies to children
- Medical abortions will become easier to access across Australia after major rule change