- Two Indian Children Caught Up in Foster Care in UK Amid Parental Row
- Demographic ‘ice age’ started
- NSW birth certificates recognise adoption
- Pandemic disrupts education for 1B students: UN
- Over 750 Canadians demanded to be killed in 2019 due to ‘loneliness’
- Trump Administration Slates $35M to Help Survivors of Human Trafficking
- Czech Government Rejects Second Parliamentary Attempt to Legalise Euthanasia
- Obama alum running for Congress denies defrauding progressive Catholic group
- Anti-abortion centers receive at least $4m from US coronavirus bailout
- British parents follow the celebrity trend of continuing to have babies until they get both a boy and a girl
- Soros Open Society Foundation Anti-Trump Book Launch
- The Collapse of the Traditional American Family
- Heartbreaking accounts of infanticide and forced abortions in North Korea
- Maryland: Governor Reverses County’s Decree Against Private School Reopening
- Trump on EWTN
- Swedish Military Shamed for Political Activism Over New Pro-LGBT Campaign
- ‘Transitioning’ Procedures Don’t Help Mental Health, Largest Dataset Shows…...Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study
- Childless by choice – the West’s future
- Euthanasia referendum: Why Hospice NZ went to court over law
- Polish official: Istanbul Convention could impose ‘leftist ideology’
- We told you so…private Christian university under legal fire for upholding sexual morality
- Cancel Culture as a Religion
- Switzerland: Are ten days of paternity leave too much or not enough?
- Swedish Government Party Wants to Force Imams, Rabbis to Wed Homosexuals
- President Trump Names Pro-Life Leaders to Panel Investigating Aborted Baby Part Sales